Jiawei Qin Pronounced "Jee-ah-way Chin"
Themed Entertainment Design
Hi there! Thanks for visiting my website. I am currently pursuing a dream of doing themed entertainment design. I believe in designing with love and originality. My goal is to create immersive experiences that is extraordinary and speaks to people's heart, so as to disconnect people from their mundane life to help them keep on believing and dreaming!
Concept Design
I have always known that I want drawing as a career since young. I was introduced to concept design in 2012 when I attended Feng Zhu Design. After few years of working experience, I decided to pursue my dream at what I believe to be the best visual development college program at the time in 2016, the Entertainment Design of ArtCenter. During this time, I discovered my passion of designing a complete entertainment experience, prompting me to shift my focus. Looking back, I am proud of the work I created, as I invested a great deal of thought into each piece. Here is a collection showcasing some of my earlier works.
Sketches, Architecture Drafting & Graphic Design
Sketching is the best way to convey design ideas and in order to have a basic understanding of building materials and architecture design process, I took an architecture minor while I was at SCAD. Another key to my design psychology is graphic design which I believe is the fundamental of all design, I applied the theory of it through out my design works.